Tf 80sc

Generally, the TF-80SC transmission is extremely reliable and successful 6-speed unit, which causes less problems in comparison with its predecessors TF60SN and AW55-50. It may be considered as an “invincible” solution and the most maintenance-friendly 6-speed automatic transmission. Tf-80sc tf-81sc af21 awf21 af40 aw6a-el; tf60sn tf61sn tf62sn; toyota lexus scion automatic. A130 series a140 series a240 series mx17; a340e a341e a350 aw4 r150f.

This article was originally written in relation to the AW TF-80SC transmission but this same information applies to the TF-81SC, AF33, AWF21, AW55-50SN, AW50-51SN & AW55-50LE transmissions.

A few months ago, I bought a very nice 2007 XC90 V8 Sport. Soon after buying it, I started having transmission shift flare issues which ultimately led me on a quest for knowledge.

Download everest ultimate. I found lots of people on forums having issues with the transmissions in these cars but the opinions on the problem and solution were varied.


The TF80 is a 6 speed automatic transmission manufactured by Aisin Warner. It appeared on many Volvo models but only seems to be a consistent problem with ealier models (so far?)

Variations of this transmission are used by a lot of different car manufacturers, but Volvo seems to have more problems with it than other manufacturers.

Many people on forums were complaining that the TF80 is not strong enough for the V8 equipped models and “Volvo should have known better.” While it is true that these transmissions do have plenty of problems, it’s not due to lack of strength. It is rare for these transmissions to have any sort of real mechanical damage or to actually be worn out.

I contacted various Volvo specialty and transmission shops in the Portland area and discussed issues they see with the TF80. Most of the shops confirm that they rarely see a TF80 actually fail to the point of needed to be rebuilt. Most of the problems with these transmissions can be solved without removing the transmission from the car.

If you are having shifting issues with your Volvo, your first steps should be:

  • Use a Volvo VIDA station to make sure the Transmission Control Module has the latest Volvo software
  • Make sure the transmission fluid is clean. Flush if in doubt. (Probably should be done every 45,000 miles or less)

The most common issues with these transmissions is “Shift flare” and hard downshifts.

Shift flare is a condition that occurs on up shifts between a lower gear and a higher gear. The transmission will simply shift out of the lower gear and have a delay before engaging in the next higher gear. This will result in the engine RPMs “flaring” (revving high) prior to the next gear engagement. It seems to be more common with lower gears but can happen with any of the shifts. Typically, the transmission will start exhibiting the symptom between the same two gears. Early on, this may only happen randomly once in a while when the transmission is warmed up but as it gets worse, it may happen more consistently at any temperature.

Hard down shifts are basically the same problem in reverse. There isn’t an engine flare associated with it since your foot isn’t on the throttle. They are most noticeable when coasting to a stop. You’ll notice the transmission “thunking” in to lower gears. Sometimes when applying the throttle after almost coming to a stop, you will get a harsh gear engagement but without significant engine RPM flare.


The most common shift flare is between 2nd and 3rd gear but the issue can occur between any gears. The flare may not occur consistently but will be between the same two gears. In other words, you may intermittently get a flare but it will always be between 2nd and 3rd. I have yet to see a transmission that has flare between multiple gears but it is certainly possible.

A shift flare followed by hard gear engagement while under heavy engine load can actually break internal components. Sometimes this 'crash' in to gear can be pretty extreme and should definitely be avoided. A quote from a transmission tech: “You only get to do that a couple times then we have to rebuild it.”

So what causes this shift flare? Quite simply: Worn out solenoid bores in the valve body.

General zero hour no cd crack download. A low fluid condition could also cause weird shifting issues but you checked that when you flushed the transmission fluid right???

The valve body is a complex looking component with an internal maze of oil passages and a handful of moving parts. There are a series of piston valves connected to electronic solenoids that control where the fluid pressure is directed within the transmission. The primary failure point is that the steel pistons eventually wear out the aluminum piston bore and let fluid leak around the piston. In some cases, they don’t wear out but get sticky or sluggish from dirty transmission fluid. These pistons are controlled by the transmission Control Module and duty cycle pulsed to control the pressure. The pulsing action causes wear and tear on the piston bore. Dirty transmission fluid will make this wear happen much faster.

Replacing the valve body will solve 99% of the shifting issues that weren't fixed by a software update.

A skilled Volvo technician (or an experienced Transmission Tech) can replace the valve body without removing the transmission from the car but it’s still an expensive repair.

Aisin Tf 80sc

From my research, good rebuilt or aftermarket valve bodies do not exist. Sure there are a bunch of companies offering them but to actually rebuild one of these correctly will cost nearly as much as a new unit from Volvo. In fact, the shops in our area all buy new valve bodies straight from Volvo dealerships. New seems to be a much better option at this point.

I’m told by local shops that it is not uncommon for an XC90 primarily doing city driving to wear out a valve body in less than 80,000 miles. All that shifting works those valve body pistons that much more.

Tf 80sc Transmission Pump Torque Specs Chart

So basically, if you have a Volvo with a TF80 transmission, chances are that you will probably need a valve body if you own it for more than a few years.

It becomes very obvious that transmission servicing (fluid flush) is very important for extending the life of the valve body in these transmissions. How much longer really is the $1000 question. Removing the abrasives in the fluid will certainly help to reduce the wear on the valve body solenoid pistons.

Tf 80sc

I’m also told that worn out torque converters are possible on the TF80 (which does require transmission removal.) The local shops all blame Volvo’s aggressive software and lack of fluid servicing for this issue. Volvo designed the software for fuel mileage, not transmission longevity so the lock up function in the torque converter is being used far more than might be expected in lower gears. They just want less slippage since it adversely affects fuel economy. This issue is more apparent with vehicles that are primarily used for city driving or used to tow a trailer.

Tf 80sc Valve Body

It could have saved Volvo and us consumers a lot of money to simply have a externally replaceable oil filter on the transmission. So why didn't they do this? The most likely explanation is that they wanted to reduce the cost forecast for the first 3 years of ownership. If you put a filter on there, then it would imply that needs to be serviced right?